At Bourbon Tango, we want you to dance! We offer a range of options to make sure your budget helps you meet your dance aspirations. Discover the perfect membership or package that aligns with your goals and makes your dance journey unforgettable.

Monthly Memberships and Packages

Class Memberships

  • 1 class per week

    Join us for any one class per week and dance your heart out.


  • 2 classes per week

    Attend both classes and the practica on a night of your choosing to dance the night away every week.


  • All the Tango

    Enjoy both all of our tango classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays


  • All the Swing

    Enjoy all of our swing classes on Mondays and Wednesdays.


  • Unlimited

    Enjoy unlimited classes and dance to your heart's content, while supporting our mission to share dance with as many people as we can.


  • Discount Membership

    We don't want money to stand in the way of you being able to dance. So if you are a student, a single parent on a budget, or a starving artist like us ;) we wanted to offer you the chance to dance.


Private Lesson Packages

  • Private Lesson

    Personalized one-on-one instruction for a focused learning experience.


  • Private Lesson: 4 Pack

    Save on a set of four private lessons to refine your technique, prepare for a special event, or simply learn at your own pace!


Drop-Ins and other options…


Individual classes are $20, and an evening of classes is normally $30. But we don’t want your budget to keep you from dancing.

Pay What You Can

If your budget is extremely tight like if you live paycheck to paycheck you are someone who probably needs dance the most. Just pay what you can when you come in that night.


Help us with our mission to use dance to create happier and healthier people and communities. Sign Up Below